Tag: Ethereum


The smallest fraction of an Ether, with each Ether to 1000000000000000000 Wei.


An application that runs on a blockchain or peer-to-peer network (Ethereum, Cardano, Solana) rather than on a single computer, operating autonomously through smart contracts.


DeFi is the entire field of decentralized finance applications, covering many key pieces of financial infrastructure that are evolving to become more decentralized and open instead of relying on intermediaries. DeFi represents a paradigm shift from traditional financial systems to new models that rely on built-in, programmable, and interconnected protocols.


Altcoin is a term used to refer to any other cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin and was first ‘coined’ when cryptocurrencies of different kinds began to appear after the concept of cryptocurrencies was popularised by the launch of Bitcoin. One of the most popular altcoins are Litecoin, Ethereum or Cardano.


Ethereum is a blockchain platform with its own cryptocurrency, called Ether (ETH), and its own programming language Solidity. As a blockchain network, Ethereum is a decentralized public ledger for verifying and recording transactions. The network's users can create, publish, monetize, and use applications on the platform, and use its Ether cryptocurrency as payment. Insiders call …

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